Smurney and her sister Smudgie, came into our lives nine years ago when they were about five or six years old. Their owners couldn't keep them any longer due to an allergy and we took them home on the day before they were due to go to the cat rescue.
When I first saw them, they were curled up in a cardboard box together but soon after arriving at their new home with us their true characters started to show through. Smudgie turned out to be a hunter - frequently bringing in mice, sometimes dead and sometimes alive. Although friendly and affectionate with family members she wasn't keen on "alien" people that she didn't know. Her favourite place to sleep is in our bedroom and often shows off outside by racing around and climbing up trees.
Smurney, on the other hand, never caught or killed anything (that I am aware of) - she just never seemed to be interested. She would half heartedly watch birds but seemed to lack the killer instinct. She was always "top cat" and had first choice at the feeding station - not because she was bossy but somehow had an aura of superiority. She loved being outside in the garden and had several favourite places to sleep. When indoors she would often lie between the computer keyboard and screen - making sure she had full attention from the computer user by standing up and stretching from time to time. Smurney always had time for visitors and was loved by everyone.
When our latest arrival (To-to) came to us Smurney just accepted her as if she had always been there although To-to knew to keep her distance and that Smurney was to be respected, whereas Smudgie takes every opportunity to bully To-to.
When poor Smurney became ill we rushed her to the vets immediately. She was admitted for tests and the diagnosis was heart disease, complicated by thyroid problems, which led to a thrombosis resulting in her being unable to use or feel one of her legs. The care she received at the vets (Cathcart & Winn) was excellent and after 48 hours when there was no real improvement and after much discussion to decide the best course of action, we visited Smurney to say our goodbyes.
After lots of cuddles, stroking and comforting (amidst much weeping and wailing from us), the vet administered the lethal dose and Smurney quickly and painlessly fell asleep whilst on my daughter's lap. Once home, we buried Smurney in her final resting place - beneath her favourite bench in the garden she loved and knew so well.
Rest in Peace lovely Smurney and enjoy your next journey - we miss you so much.